Thursday 15 January 2009

OU C and S department bloggers

My blog posts are currently appearing on the front page of the Open University's Department of Communication and Systems' website. That is not at all what my blog was intended for and will, I hope, change soon. In the meantime, though, I'd better deliberately write posts more suited to being read in that context.

For example, here are some personal thoughts on blogs of some other members of the department.

John Naughton's 'Memex 1.2'. Probably our most prolific blogger (in terms of number of posts that is - Tony Hirst and Ray Corrigan do fewer but longer posts), John is Professor of the Public Understanding of Technology in the Systems Group of the Department. There are far too many posts for me to keep up with, but those I read I invariably find interesting and often provocative.

Tony Hirst's 'OUseful'. Tony is in the ICT Group of the department, and an acknowledged expert in Web 2.0. I often find his posts fascinating and learn how to do new things from them, but I hope Tony won't be offended if I also say that sometimes I can't understand a word he's saying... but that's because he's just so far ahead of me in understanding the web! And he really does understand the web.

Ray Corrigan's 'B2fxxx'. Ray, also in the Systems Group, says his blog is "Random thoughts on law, the Internet and society." Ray's posts invariably draw attention to 'difficult' areas of the web - intellectual property rights, privacy and the like - and he has the knowledge and understanding to provide invaluable insight into the issues.

Chris Blackmore's 'Random Ramblings'. Chris, another member of the Systems Group*, says of herself "I'm an Open University academic, teaching and researching environmental decision making and systems. I also have a deep love of nature and being outdoors" and this is reflected in the content of her blog posts. Chris hasn't posted anything on her blog since November, which is a shame since I'd always enjoyed reading her posts, but I know she has been exceptionally busy recently.

*I don't know if there is any significance in the fact that three of our bloggers are in the Systems Group. I'm in the ICT group like Tony, and there is a third group, Technology Management. Until October 2007 these were three separate departments but were brought together in a reorganisation.

1 comment:

David Chapman said...

There's also Ray Eison's 'Systemic Musings'. In his own words: "Ray Ison holds professorships in Systems at the UK Open University and Systems for Sustainability at Monash University, Melbourne. In this blog he reflects on contemporary issues from a systemic perspective."

I suppose since I didn't mention this one in my original post, it is obvious that I've not been following Ray as much as the others, but that's my loss and no reflection on Ray's blog!