Tuesday 8 January 2013

Keynote speakers & extended deadline for DTMD 2013

We've had 14 papers submitted to DTMD 2013 and, though they need to go through the review process before we accept them, initial impressions are that they are very much what we are hoping for. There's some extremely interesting material among them.

We've got room for more papers, however, so we've extended the deadline and have sent out another call for papers, and this time we are able to include the list of confirmed keynote speakers. 

Here's the text of second call that's just gone out. (Please feel free to distribute this anywhere you think appropriate.)

We are delighted to announce the confirmed keynote speakers for DTMD 2013:

Luciano Floridi: Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire and Fellow of St Cross College, University of Oxford
Holger Schnädelbach: Senior Research Fellow, Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham
John Monk Emeritus Professor of Digital Systems at the Open University
Pedro C. Marijuán: Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (I+CS), Zaragoza, Spain
Carson Grubaugh: Information Artist
Liesbet van Zoonen: Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Loughborough University, and Erasmus University Rotterdam

For more information see http://www.dtmd.org.uk/

We are also extending the deadline for the receipt of one-page abstracts to 1st February.

Original Call for Papers:

You are invited to The Difference that Makes a Difference 2013, An interdisciplinary workshop on Information: Space, Time, and Identity.

Location: The Open University and the MK Gallery, Milton Keynes, UK
Dates: 8-10 April 2013

Information has been conceptualised in many different ways in different disciplines, and the DTMD series of workshops is a forum for sharing of those insights . We are keen to involve as many different people, from as many different disciplines, as possible in presenting and participating in the workshop. We invite a wide range of participants to give short (10 minute) presentations on their work as it relates to an understanding of information.

There will be six sessions:

Over days 1 and 2 the first four sessions consist of a keynote speaker followed by six or seven short presentations (which will have been selected by referees from submitted abstracts) then a panel discussion.
1.            Information and Space. The relationship between information and space, 'meaning' in our physical environment, and the information landscapes that go beyond physical space.
2.            Information and Time. Both the historic framework of the notion of information, and time as a 'dimension' in information – physics, entropy, information and ‘the arrow of time’.
3.            Information and Identity. Identity (race, gender, nationality, class and sexual orientation, for example) as information and, conversely, information as identity.
4.            What is information? Why are so many disciplines using informational concepts in their narratives? Is a Universal Theory of Information (UTI) possible?

Sessions 5 and 6 on day 3 draw together the insights from the first two days in two ways. First, through art, when the results of the work of the Workshop artist’s collaboration with delegates is presented and discussed. Second, a final keynote speech from Luciano Floridi, Professor of the Philosophy of Information will lead in to a panel discussion with the keynote speakers from the earlier sessions.

For more details see the workshop programme: http://www.dtmd.org.uk/programme and the Call for Papers: http://www.dtmd.org.uk/call-for-papers

Accepted abstracts will be published in a Workshop Digest which will be made available online prior to the event, and, following the workshop, delegates will be invited to submit papers for special issue of Kybernetes, based on papers presented at the workshop.

We hope to see you in Milton Keynes in April.

Best wishes,
Magnus Ramage and David Chapman on behalf of the Programme Committee: http://www.dtmd.org.uk/committee

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